Babysitter Bondage Home

September 24, 2024

Nanny Natasha Flade Tape-Gagged in Basement in Sweater & Pantyhose, Groped by Kid’s Mom! (720p - 10:30 Min.)

September 24 -- (720p- 10:30 Min.) Classic Bondage From 2002 - Digitally Remastered in 720p for Superior Quality!

Cleverly shot from the boy's point-of-view for a truly unique viewing experience! Nanny Kelly (Natasha Flade) watches a boy who always wants to play games where she winds up tied up and gagged. And in big trouble with his mom to boot! Today, her charge, Joey, approaches Kelly while she's folding laundry downstairs and asks to play a game called "ransom." Kelly rolls her eyes. "Let me guess. I get tied up again? You know what happened last time! Your mom found me and I got in big trouble!"

"Please Ms. Kelly!"Joey begs. "I promise I'll let you go before my mom comes home." Unable to resist her charge, Kelly smiles and plays along. Joey pulls his toy gun and Kelly surrenders and winds up tied seated to a basement pole in her sweater, skirt, pantyhose and high heels. She's tape gagged with layers of duct tape. Kelly struggles and mmphs through her gag. She's getting good at playing the helpless damsel! But Joey breaks his promise to untie his babysitter before his mom returns! He says it's time for his piano lessons and leaves his pretty nanny all tied up to a basement pole.

Worried that Joey's mom will find her all tied-up again and give her another spanking as a little lesson, poor Kelly struggles to get loose before mom gets home! But she doesn't succeed and Joey's mom (Kylie Samone) finds her once again. "What are we going to do with you?" Kylie asks. Kelly knows Joey's mom has the hots for her and she sort of likes the attention. In fact, she's rather hoping she does get another spanking! But today, Kylie has other plans to teach the naughty nanny a lesson. She pulls her sweater up, peels back her bra cups and gives those titties a lot of attention!

September 18, 2024

Barefoot Mom Natasha Flade Hogtied by Son's Friends, Gets Gagged Instead of Untied! 54 NEW High-Res Photos (Never Before Seen!) PLUS Story!

9 September -- Barefoot Mom Natasha Flade Hogtied by Son's Friends, Gets Gagged Instead of Untied!
54 NEW High-Res Photos (Never Before Seen!) PLUS Story!

Your mom Natasha Flade is hogtied on the bed. She’s in shorts and a t-shirt, barefoot, muttering about how she let herself get into this mess. While you were downstairs, she let your friends talk her into a game where she wound up all tied up! And then all the kids took off and just left her like that! You wander into the bedroom and find your barefoot mom all tied up! You start to laugh, but Natasha doesn’t think it’s funny!

“What do you think happened to me?! Your friends tied me up and took off!”

She gives you a pleading look with her wide damsel eyes. “Can’t you please help out your poor mom here?” she asks. “Can’t you untie me please?”

But you don’t untie her! Instead, she gets a knotted cleave-gag. Mom doesn’t think this is one bit funny, but you can’t stop laughing. While she’s going on and on in her constant gag-talk chatter, you run off so you can watch her wriggle and roll all about on that bed! She yells for you to get back here right now and untie her like you said you would. But it’s much more fun to watch her tied-up and gagged. She’s so cute in those shorts and nipping out through her tight t-shirt, her bare feet and soles wiggling everywhere!

...You can get ALL these exclusive, high-res photos PLUS the rest of this story if you buy a PASS!

September 9, 2024

Tying Up My Two Hot Barefoot Cousins! Starring Carly Erin & Danielle Trixie
43 BRAND NEW High-Res Photos PLUS 1100+ Word STORY!

9 September -- Tying Up My Two Hot Barefoot Cousins! (Starring Carly Erin & Danielle Trixie)
43 BRAND NEW High-Res Photos PLUS 1100+ Word STORY!

When Dad told me he had a Saturday meeting at work, I was a little mad. Saturday is our day together. But then he said my older cousins Danielle and Carly are coming over to watch me, everything was good. My cousins are super-hot. Best thing: They play tie-up games with me. [...]

And now they’re both coming over and I’ll be alone with them for hours? This was too perfect. I had to get them somehow tied up together. I gathered my rope and stole two scarves from the closet. [...]

I pull my toy gun from my back pocket and hold it on Danielle. She held her hands up in surrender. “Okay, robber, but just for a few minutes. And you can only tie my hands in front of me.” Well, that sucked, but an idea hit me. “Okay. Sit here, Miss.” I pointed to the chaise, by where Danielle was tied up on the floor. She sat and held her hands out. I roped them together, leaving two long lengths after the knot. “Okay, lay all the way back. “Okay, I’ll be comfortable as you rob the house with us all tied up.” I went behind the chaise, grabbed the loose dangles and pulled her hands over her head. She squealed. “What are you doing?”

I connected her hands to a back leg of the chaise as Danielle laughed through her gag. I picked up my last rope and as Carly laughed at my shenanigans, I got her feet tied together and connected down to the other chaise leg. I had my two hot cousins all tied up! But Carly needed her gag. I picked up some thick black and sparkly scarf that must have been Mom’s, and Carly said, “You’re a total brat and I’m telling your dad.” [...]

I stood back and looked at my captives. A dream come true, both of my hot cousins all tied up and gagged together! “Now you two can try and get loose,” I announced, and they went for it. They struggled and pulled and mmmphed through their gags (my favorite part) and wriggled their feet (my other favorite part) and I was in heaven. I walked around the living room, just watching them, trying not to be super obvious. But I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t take my eyes off of them. I really wanted to make a video. I didn’t think of it at the time but I might have gotten away with it if I said I needed a ransom video.

...You can get ALL these exclusive, high-res photos PLUS the rest of this story if you buy a PASS!

September 4, 2024

Mom Natasha Chairtied with Hot Blonde Friend Kordelia at the Pajama Party, then a Real Robber Gets Them Topless! (720p - 6:40 Min.)

September 4 -- (720p- 6:40 Min.) Classic Bondage From 2008 Digitally Remastered in 720p for Superior Quality!

Mom Natasha Flade is all tied up to a chair — and with her best friend Kordelia Devonshire, too! They thought it would be fun to have a girl’s pajama party. But when she told her kid Robbie it was time to go to bed, he asked if he could play one of his favorite tie-up games. Now mom Natasha wasn’t sure how Kordy would feel about that, but she was all smiles and said it sounded like a lot of fun! So Robbie tied his mom and her hot blonde friend to two chairs. They both got cleave-gagged, too, because he thinks that’s the best part. Natasha admits that she kind of likes it, too, to tell the truth.

Well, Robbie failed to inform his mom that he’d invited a bunch of friends over for his own sleepover. That would have been fine, except they all took off to some boy’s house down the road and left poor Natasha and Kordy all tied up and gagged! Robbie’s obviously been practicing because they can’t get loose no matter how hard they tried. And they are really trying!

Then some strange guy comes strolling in! Natasha thinks maybe a neighbor heard them or something, but no, it was some perv who just wants to see their boobs! They can’t believe it! This guy pulls their tops up and plays with Kordy’s big tits for a minute, then he just takes off! Kordy and Natasha are getting a bit worried now. They have no clue if this guy had left the house or not. And so here they are — mom and her friend struggling in their chairs, calling for help through their gags, and praying Robbie and his friends don’t come back and see them with their boobies hanging out! (Lord knows, Kordy’s titties sure would be hard to miss!)

This isn’t the pajama party they had in mind for sure! But for all they know, maybe Robbie staged the whole thing to prank his poor mom and her hot blonde friend!

August 25, 2024

TWO SETS! Mom Connie Sims Hogtied for Video School Project PLUS Natasha Flade Ball-Tied in Sneakers! 61 BRAND NEW High-Res Photos + STORY!

TWO SETS! Mom Connie Sims Hogtied for Video School Project PLUS Natasha Flade Ball-Tied in Sneakers!
61 BRAND NEW High-Res Photos + STORY!

In the first set, your friend told you he ties up his mom and now you want to do it, too! You devise a plan where you tell your mom you need help with a school video project – really, this project doesn’t exist, but you know your mom always wants to help you out so you'll get an A. You tell her it's a commercial for an alarm company and how if you don't buy a security camera, all sorts of bad things could happen to you. The video shows a lady whose house got broken into and robbed, then she's tied up by the robbers who just leave her there like that. Your mom she says she'll help you out. Your plan is working perfectly!

So you have her lay down on her belly on the floor, then you grab your ropes and tie her up. You did a really good job, too. It's a hogtie and you tied her elbows, too. Your mom is surprised. "How'd you learn to tie someone up like this?" she asks. "We've been practicing on each other at school for our project," you tell her. This is a big fat lie, but she seems to believe you. Now you tell her how this video is supposed to go. She needs to look scared,like a real robber got her. Your mom plays along and even yells for help. That's your cue for the next part of your plan!

"You're doing great!" you say. "Now this next part is where the robber comes back and gags you because he doesn't want the police to show up." Your mom rolls her eyes.. "I have to be gagged, too? Okay, but not for long! These ropes are really tight!" You run and grab a roll of your dad's duct tape and apply a few strips across her lips. "That's perfect!" you announce. "Now just roll around like you're trying to get loose or get to a phone for help or something."

Your mom nods in agreement. As she's wiggling about, her shoes fall off. Wow, you love her bare feet and now she's showing them to you without you even having to ask. "Great job, mom!" you encourage her. "I'm sure I'll get an A now!" You feel sort of bad lying to your mom like this. Okay, not that bad...Suddenly, there's a knock at the door You forgot that you told your friends you were going to try and get your mom tied up. Now they're here to see your captive! [...]

In the second set, babysitter Natasha Flade is ball-tied and cleave-gagged on the bedroom floor. She's wearing a tank top, slacks and fashion sneakers. But not for long! In her struggles, they fall off. Now you're gaping at her bare feet and soles as she playfully struggles. Nice! What a glorious day this is: your babysitter and mom both tied-up. It's bondage sensory overload!

...You can get ALL these exclusive, high-res photos PLUS the rest of this story if you buy a PASS!

August 18, 2024

Nanny Natasha Flade Plays Spy! Chairtied in Keds Sneakers by the Kid, Tits Groped by Mom! (720p - 11:35 Min.)


Nanny Natasha Flade stars as babysitter Kelly, shot creatively from your point-of-view! Kelly (Natasha Flade) Kelly has been hired to babysit and entertain little Joey, who always wants to play a game where she gets tied-up! Today, Joey approaches Kelly as she sits at the dining room table, wearing jeans and Keds sneakers. He says he wants to play a game called spy. Kelly rolls her eyes. "I'm going to be tied up again, right?" Nanny Natasha says. "You know I got in trouble with your mom last time."

You promise you won't keep her tied up for long, so your sitter plays along, protesting that she's not a spy and you should just let her go. But you don't believe her and order her to put her hands behind the chair back. She does as she's told with a pretty and pouty face. Soon, she's all tied up to that chair with ropes about her chest to keep her secure and cleave gagged with a thick knotted scarf.

Kelly struggles playfully, twisting about and wiggling her Keds into the air. She mmphs, mews and gag-talks. She’s putting on a really great damsel show! She's delightful to watch as she tugs at her bonds, her boobs looking extra delicious with those ropes tied around them! You finally emerge from your hiding place and approach the captive spy. She's informed she won't be released and will remain your captive. Then you run off, with your nanny yelling through her gag to let her go!

Then Joey's mom Laura (Kylie Samone) comes home and finds Kelly tied-up and gagged again! That spanking she gave her last time obviously didn't teach this neglectful nanny anything. Kelly knows that Laura has the hots for her and is just using Joey's tie-up games as an excuse to have some fun with the beautiful, bound babysitter. What Laura doesn't know is that Kelly really enjoyed that spanking. A lot. She's excitedly wondering what Laura will do to "punish" the naughty sitter now. Laura pulls her t-shirt up and extracts her tits from the bra. Kelly pretends to be upset as Laura plays with her breasts. Laura is more than pleased to have her hands all over her fine boobies. And the viewer is more than happy to watch it all! It's a win-win for everyone today!

August 11, 2024

BONUS UPDATE! Aunt Natasha Flade Chair-Tied in Pantyhose & Sweater By Her Nephews, Loses Her Heels! FULL HD - 9 min.


Your favorite Aunt Natasha Flade is babysitting you and your brother and you two boys have her chair tied – again! She came straight over from her secretary job, but she also had herself a glass of wine before going along with your game of “hostage.” So here she is, looking so wonderful all tied up to that chair in her office attire!

She's not gagged (yet!) and talking up a storm, teasing you that this is the only game you must know how to play. Then you threaten to tell your mom that Aunt Natasha's drunk. She says you best not or she’ll tell your parents all the bad things you do! She promises she was just kidding, but you don’t believe her, so she gets cleave-gagged! Does that bandanna stop her from talking? Not much. Nothing could stop your Auntie from talking. But it sounds way better because it’s in gag talk!

She continues yapping how you didn’t ask permission before gagging her, so you prop her feet up on a chair and tie them there. Now her heels are hanging off of a second chair. You can’t resist and slip one off. “Why did you remove my shoe?” Aunt Natasha yells out through her cleave gag. She says her nephews must have a foot fetish, then lets her heels drop to the floor. “There, now stare all you want!” she says. What a great view of her pantyhose feet!

You tease her by running off and hiding, leaving her alone with no way to escape. You’ve been practicing, so she’s tied to that chair really well! Aunt Natasha starts getting mad and yelling in gag talk to get back over here and let her go right now! Finally, she threatens to never play tie-up games anymore. That gets you back in the room, which is where you really wanted to be anyway! Should you untie her and risk her never playing your games again? Nah.

August 10, 2024

Office Mom Natasha Flade Hogtied in Pantyhose & Sweater by Her Son After Work! 720p - 6:40 Min.


This video hasn’t seen the light of day since 2001! We bring it here for you now, completely re-edited from the source tape and digitally upscaled in 720p. Enjoy! 

Mom Natasha Flade has a boy who just loves to tie her up! The video begins with Natasha hogtied and cleave-gagged on the bed, explaining how she got into this situation. When she got home from the office, her son Billy held her up. He pointed his toy gun and said, “Stick ’em up lady!” Natasha tried not to laugh and went along. She confesses to the viewer that she rather likes being tied up, but she’s really curious how her son learned to hogtie someone like this!

For the remainder of the video, our office mom plays a great damsel for her son! She wiggles all about and mews through her gag, showing off her heels and her nips sometimes through her turtleneck sweater. Her skirt hikes up and that ass in pantyhose is nice to see! The camera pans her lovely bound body and gagged face. And just like her son, Billy, you get to watch it all!

August 4, 2024

BRAND NEW FOOTAGE! Barefoot Mom Natasha Flade Hogtied by Son’s Friends, Gets Gagged Instead of Untied! FULL HD - 10:15 Min.


Your mom Natasha Flade is hogtied on the bed. She’s in little short and a t-shirt, barefoot. She’s muttering about how she let herself get into this mess. While you were downstairs, she let your friends talk her into a game where she wound up all tied up! And then all the kids took off and just left her like that! You wander into the bedroom and find your barefoot mom all tied up! You start to laugh, but Natasha doesn’t think it’s funny! “What do you think happened to me?! Your friends tied me up and took off!” She gives you a pleading look with her wide damsel eyes. “Can’t you please help out your poor mom here?” she asks. “Can’t you untie me please?”

But you don’t untie her! Instead, she gets a knotted cleave-gag. Mom doesn’t think this is one bit funny, but you can’t stop laughing. While she’s going on and on in her constant gag-talk chatter, you run off so you can watch her wriggle and roll all about on that bed! She yells for you to get back here right now and untie her like you said you would. But it’s much more fun to watch her tied-up and gagged. She’s so cute in those shorts and nipping out through her tight t-shirt, her bare feet and soles wiggling everywhere!

Mom Natasha decides it’s all in good fun. So she’s laughing and having a good time, but then she starts getting tired of this game of yours and thinks it’s time for it to end. She resorts to bribery, saying if you come back and let her go, she’ll raise your allowance and let you stay up until midnight every night! That gets your attention! You come back — with all your friends. “There you are!” Natasha says. "And you’ve got your friends with you, too, I see." She asks if all you boys had a great time watching this poor mom you left hogtied on the bed. Yes, you did! “Good!” Natasha says rather loudly. “Now untie me before I call your parents!” She reconsiders, given her current situation. Hard to call anyone like this. So she just laughs. After all, boys will be boys! (Plus, she really hopes they untie her!)

Cute outtake at the end with Natasha Flade’s Pittie, Yuri, making an appearance and hopping right onto the bed. He’ll save the poor barefoot mom if no one else does!

July 26, 2024

BRAND NEW FOOTAGE! Mom Natasha Flade Plays Son’s Escape Challenge Game: Barefoot, Gag-Talking, Nipping Out! FULL HD - 10:15 Min.

July 26 -- (FULL HD - 10:15 Min.) BRAND NEW FOOTAGE IN FULL HD!

Mom Natasha Flade is talking on the phone with her friend, another neighborhood mom. She’s barefoot in jeans and nipping out through her tight tank top. “Your boys and their friends got you all tied up to a chair?” she says to her friend. “Did they gag you, too? No way!” Natasha laughs. Kids these days, she thinks to herself. Just then, her son comes strolling in and asks to play a tie-up game. “You heard me on the phone, didn’t you?” Natasha replies. “Seems all the boys want to play this game! All right, I’ll let you tie me up.”

Now she’s tied-up barefoot on the bed with tons of ropes: bare feet bound crossed, hands bound behind her back, and there's more ropes about her chest and boobs and her thighs are tied-up, too. Mom wiggles playfully and tests her bonds. She’s impressed with your rope work. “You haven’t been practicing on your friends’ moms?” she asks you. She wants to be the first mom you’ve ever tied up! Then she sees the cloth in your hand. “I have to be gagged, too? Well, if that’s part of the game. Ok, you can gag me.” Now she’s got a bandana scarf between her lips. She sounds so cute chattering away through the cleave gag!

Then you challenge her to get loose. If she can, that is! Mom accepts the challenge and does her very best to escape. The knots are too tight, but she doesn’t give up easily! She wriggles all over that bed, laughing and making you promise to untie her if she loses the bet. She can’t get the knots loose, so she tries kicking the ropes off. That doesn’t work either (but her soles swinging are amazing!) Laughing at her predicament and gasping for breath, poor mom Natasha admits that she’s lost the game. She asks with big damsel eyes to please let her go, she gave it her best shot! You say you’ll untie her, but she has to promise to let you tie her up again. “I promise,” mom says. But not today! She laughs. She really does like your new tie-up game!

Cute outtakes at the end!

July 22, 2024

Office Mom Natasha Flade Chairtied for School Video Project, Then Real Robber Gets Her Topless! (1080p - 9:30 min.)

July 22 -- (1080p - 9:30 Min.) Classic Bondage from 2009 Digitally Remastered In 1080p for SUPERIOR QUALITY!

Mom Natasha Flade just got home from the office when her son and his friends asked if she could help with their school video project. They’re making a commercial for Centaur Home Security about how all sorts of bad things can happen if you don’t own a security camera. Your mom is pretty cool and wants you guys to get an A, so she lets herself be tied to a chair in her secretary skirt, silk blouse and pantyhose. You tell her how the video is supposed to go and grab your camera.

The camera rolls. Natasha says that she never got around to getting a security camera installed, but she really wishes she had because now look at what’s happened to her! We see that a robber got Natasha and now she’s tightly chairtied and hoping that someone will rescue her soon! You say it needs to be realistic, so she needs a gag, too. You guys run off to get the dude you asked to help you out with the gagging part. The camera rolls again and mom pretends it’s a real robber! She shrieks as this masked dude comes in and asks her what’s all this noise? Then she's cleave-gagged with a white napkin!

The masked robber leaves and mom Natasha really plays her part of a real damsel! She wiggles and struggles, then gag-talks into the camera how it's important to buy a home security system so you can avoid these bad situations! She struggles some more, wiggles those pantyhose feet and mmphs and mews through her gag. Your mom is doing a fantastic job and you’re sure you’ll get an A!

That’s when things take a turn! The boys have disappeared to go work on their video, and the masked dude decides to come back and help himself to the tied-up mom! He unbuttons her blouse, extracts her tits and plays with them before strolling off. Now poor mom Natasha is really in a pickle. This school video project about being robbed and chairtied has turned into reality! Natasha struggles for real now. Where on Earth have those kids gone to? And what’s she going to do when you come back and see her bound and gagged with her boobs out?

Lots of cute outtakes at the end!

July 21, 2024

TWO SETS! Loren the Elbow-Bound Babysitter PLUS Natasha the Hogtied Mom!
85 BRAND NEW High-Res Photos!

TWO SETS! Loren the Elbow-Bound Babysitter in Miniskirt PLUS Natasha the Hogtied Mom in Sweater & Hose!
85 BRAND NEW High-Res Photos!

In the first set, cutie babysitter Loren Chance is tied-up and cleave-gagged on the floor. She's wearing a little lacy top, miniskirt and heels. Her wrists, knees and ankles are tied and she's strictly elbow-bound. Loren mews for you through her gag and gives you pouty damsel expressions. She wiggles on the floor, with that little skirt hiking up. Oh my! You wish hottie Loren could babysit you every day!

In the second set, hot mom Natasha Flade is hogtied and tape-gagged on the bed. She's wearing a turtleneck sweater, skirt, pantyhose and high heels. But not for long! She dangles her heels until they fall off. Now you're gaping at her pantyhose-feet as she playfully struggles. Nice! That red duct-tape looks so darn hot over her lips! What a glorious day this is: your babysitter and mom both tied-up. It's bondage sensory overload!

...You can get ALL these exclusive, high-res photos PLUS the rest of this story if you buy a PASS!

July 19, 2024

BONUS UPDATE! Flirty Barefoot Neighborhood MILF Natasha Flade Wants YOU to Tie Her Up! Chairtied, Hogtied, Gag-Talking! FULL HD - 13 Min.

July 19 -- (FULL HD - 13 Min.) Re-Edited From the Source Tape In FULL HD For SUPERIOR QUALITY!

You're returning Tupperware to your mom’s friend, Natasha Flade, the hottest MILF in the whole neighborhood! She’s a bit flirty with you boys, too. When you arrive, you find Ms. Flade in a chair, wearing a low-cut tank top and leggings, barefoot. She says your mom told her you’ve been tying up the neighborhood girls. You get all embarrassed, but Natasha says that games like that are fun, so don’t be shy! Then comes the real kicker: your mom told her that you’d really like to get HER tied up! Now you’d just like to crawl into a hole and die. Ms. Flade says she’s noticed that you have a little crush on her. Now you’re wishing for a deeper hole.

As you stand there gaping, Natasha hands you some ropes and asks if you'd like to tie her up right now. You don't know why this is happening, but you grab those ropes and tie her hands before she changes her mind! Her bare feet are next and she puts them so you can see her lovely bare feet and soles. Now you have flirty neighborhood MILF Natasha Flade chair bound. This is a sight that you have dreamed about, and now it’s come true!

Natasha says she talks a lot and you should gag her, too. No problem! She points you to a white cloth in the cabinet and you use it as a knotted cleave gag. Ms. Flade going on and on in gag talk, which you love! She's telling stories about being tied-up and giving you a bunch of naughty ideas! This is some serious bondage sensory overload here!

You take a chance and ask if she has any more rope you can use on her. She does! Now Ms. Flade is hogtied on the floor. You give this hot MILF a challenge: to escape. She accepts and struggles playfully for you. But then you announce that if she loses, she has to stay tied up forever! Natasha's not worried, she intends to win the game! She struggles harder now, laughing and having lots of fun. But she can't get loose because you did a darn good job with those knots. You’ll let her go eventually…maybe…After all, you never want this perfect day to end...!

July 15, 2024

Nanny Natasha Flade Plays Cowboys ‘n Indians! Hogtied in Miniskirt & Heels, then Mom Comes Home! 720p - 6:30 Min.


Natasha Flade plays nanny Kelly who always gets tied up in this uniquely shot video – with everything from the boy’s point-of-view! Kelly has been hired to babysit Joey and entertain her little charge. She’s finding out that he likes to play different versions of the same game – she always gets tied up!

Today, Joey approaches Kelly as she’s doing laundry. She’s wearing a sweater, miniskirt and heels that show her cute, painted toes. Joey announces that Kelly violated sacred Native American Indian lands and now she must be taken captive. Natasha pleads and calls for the cowboys to come and save her, but no one comes. Instead, she’s ordered to cross her hands behind her back. Natasha complies and soon finds herself hogtied on the basement floor and gagged with a stuffer held in place with thin cleave-gag scarf top. Natasha’s informed that she’s now a hostage of the Sioux Nation forever. She will cook their food, bring them water, and bake them cookies.

“But right now, this Indian has to go to piano lessons,” Joey says and races upstairs. Natasha can’t believe he left her all tied-up like this — again! What if his mom comes home and finds her? Of course, Joey didn’t really run off. He peeks downstairs so he can watch his beautiful babysitter as she wiggles all around and mmphs and mews, her panties poking out from underneath that little skirt. What heaven to have such a pretty nanny that lets you tie her up! And the viewer is more than happy to watch it all, too!

Then Joey’s mom Laura (Kylie Samone) comes home and finds Kelly hogtied and gagged on their basement floor! Kelly already knows that Laura has the hots for her and wonders what will happen to her now. Laura chastises Kelly. She didn't learn her lesson from that spanking she got last time, but Laura has something better in mind for this naughty nanny!

Cute outtake included at the end!

July 9, 2024

Monica the Hot Barefoot Hogtied Babysitter!
37 NEW High-Res Photos PLUS 1100 Word STORY!

9 July -- Monica the Hot Barefoot Hogtied Babysitter! 37 NEW High-Res Photos PLUS 1100 Word STORY!

Monica is an okay babysitter. But tonight was different. She asked me if her boyfriend could come over for a little visit. This was forbidden by my parents, and she pleaded with me to let him come over and not tell Mom and Dad. I just promised because she was so hot. So hot, and having her plead with me about anything, gave me a rush of power...

I crept downstairs. They were making out on the couch! I sneaked back upstairs, got my phone, came back down and took a couple of pictures... I stood between her and the TV and showed her one of the pics. Her mouth dropped open. “You promised to not tell!”...

“I’ll send it to Mom right now!” I threatened.

Her eyes got big as dinner plates. “You wouldn’t! C’mon! Please?”

“Okay, I won’t, as long as you play a game with me. You never play anything with me.”

This looked to calm her down a little. “Okay. Fine. What game would you like to play? And if I play this game with you, you have to delete those photos? Deal?” We shook on the deal. “All right, what game?” she asked.

“Escape. I tie you up and you have a fifteen-minute time limit to escape.”...

...You can get ALL these exclusive, high-res photos PLUS the rest of this story if you buy a PASS!

June 26, 2024

Hot Aunt Danielle Trixie Plays Your Tie-Up Game, Barefoot, OTM Gagged & Hopping! FULL HD - 7:10 Min.

May 26 -- (FULL HD - 7:10 Min.) NOW IN FULL HD!

Hot Aunt Danielle Trixie is babysitting you while your mom is away. You’ve always wanted to get your beautiful, blonde Aunt all tied up in one of your little bondage games, but you’ve never had her to yourself before. Not only that, tonight she’s in her sexy sleep shorts and a tight, itty-bitty tank top. Now is your chance! So you ask, and even though she argues that it’s your bedtime, you persist until she says you can tie her up for 15 minutes!

You tie her hands in front of her and she plays along. Then you tie up her gorgeous bare feet. She’s still playing along, so you go for it and give her a bandanna OTM gag. Oh my God! Aunt Danielle is still playing your game! She gag talks for you and pretends to be a real damsel in distress. She’s so cool to put on a show like that for you.

When your 15 minutes are up, she wants the game too end, but you just take off and leave her all tied up barefoot and gagged on the bed! But Aunt Danielle calls you a brat and says she’s coming after you! She gets up off the bed and starts hopping after you, tied up and all!

June 25, 2024

Office Mom Natasha Flade Chairtied by Her Son After Work!
41 BRAND NEW High-Res Photos!

June 25 -- Office Mom Natasha Flade Agrees to Chair-Tie If Her Sons Make Dinner! 41 BRAND NEW High-Res Photos!

Office Mom Natasha Flade just got home from work when her sons ask to play a game. But Natasha is tired and says she just wants to sit down and relax. Much to her surprise, the boys offer to make dinner and do the dishes, too, if she agrees to a play a “relaxing game.” Natasha can’t resist! “How’s this game go?” she asks. “You want to tie me to this chair?!

Hmm, that does sound relaxing! Natasha happily plays along and soon finds herself roped to a dining room chair in her red secretary dress, black tights and spiked high-heels. She tests her bonds a bit, but mostly she just relaxes. It’s a very comfortable chair-tie! She laughs and smiles a lot and remarks that she’d love to sit her all tied up like this and let her boys make dinner and do the dishes every day!

Then mom smells the dinner burning! She calls her sons, but no one answers. Now she’s worried they’ll burn the house down! “The game is over! Untie me right now!” But no one comes. Natasha tries to get loose, but she doesn’t succeed. Then her sons appear. Finally! But instead of letting her go, they give her a thick cleave-gag so they don’t have to listen to her going on about ruining dinner. Being a good sport, Natasha just laughs and continues playing this relaxing tie-up game. She gag talks, taps her heels up and down and wriggles in her chair.

After a while, she thinks dinner surely must be ready by now, this game should be over. But her sons have other plans: they want to feed her while she’s chairtied just like she’s a real hostage! Office mom Natasha is adamant that is NOT going to happen! It’s time for the game to end. But she promises her boys they can tie her up tomorrow when she gets home from work. Wow! They can’t wait!

...You can get ALL these exclusive, high-res photos if you buy a PASS!

June 5, 2024

Barefoot Nanny Natasha Flade Plays Robbers! Tied-Up by Her Charge, Gets Spanked by Mom! 720p - 12 min.


Natasha Flade stars as the nanny in this super cute video from 2002, shot creatively from the boy’s point-of-view! Kelly (Natasha Flade) has been hired to babysit Joey and entertain her little charge. She’s finding out that he likes to play different versions of the same game – she always gets tied up!

Today, Joey approaches Kelly on the sofa. She’s in denim shorts and a tank top, barefoot. He says he’s a bank robber and pulls his toy gun on her! Kelly goes along with the game. She throws her hands up and says she’ll do whatever he wants. After handing over all the bags of money, her hands are tied behind her back with jump ropes, her ankles are roped and a blue bandanna covers her mouth as an OTM gag.

Kelly struggles and rolls all over the sofa, with closeups of her pretty bare feet and soles dangling off the sofa end. She wiggles herself onto the floor and mmphs and mews. She’s putting on a great damsel show for the little guy. She tries to hop away, but Joey catches her! She’s ordered back to the sofa. He says the cops will be there soon to rescue her.

But when Joey leaves her like that and takes off to his piano lesson, our nanny gets upset! “Aren’t you going to untie me first?” she calls out. She can’t believe it! Then Joey’s mom Laura (Kylie Samone) comes home and finds the tied-up and gagged Kelly! What Kelly doesn’t know is Laura has the hots for the beautiful babysitter. And now her son has left her all wrapped up just like a present for her!

Laura turns that OTM into a cleave gag, then flips the nanny over and gives her a good spanking for being a bad nanny. Of course, it's really all just for her own fun! She throws some fondling in, too. Kelly is not one bit happy about this turn of events, but mom Laura is more than pleased to have her hands all over the babysitter’s fine ass! And the viewer is more than happy to watch it all!

May 26, 2024

BRAND NEW FOOTAGE! Mom Natasha Flade Plays Ransom! Chair-Tied in Pantyhose & Sweater Dress, Has to Gag Herself! FULL HD - 10:38 Min.

May 26 -- (FULL HD - 10:38 Min.) BRAND NEW FOOTAGE IN FULL HD!

Mom Natasha Flade comes home from shopping when she’s approached by her son. He wants to play a game. Mom confesses she hasn’t been spending enough time with you and asks what game you’d like to play. She’ll play anything you want. Anything?! Wow! She guesses correctly that you’d love to play tie-up. After all, it’s your very favorite game.

What’s it today? Are you a robber or a kidnapper? Or are you just making it up as you go along? You pull your toy gun on mom Natasha and she throws her hands up in the air. “Please don’t hurt me!” she pleads as she’s ordered to sit down on a chair. Now we see her bound to that chair: ankles tied, ropes about her lap and chest. She looks so hot like that!

“What are you going to do with me?” mom asks the robber. Her hands aren’t even tied-up and she’s not gagged. You tell her she has to gag herself. Mom promises she’ll be good and not call for help, but you don’t believe her. As instructed, she wraps a long silk scarf atop her lips. She’s so cute OTM gagged! But she can just pull that gag down, so you tie her hands in front, too. Natasha playfully struggles and wiggles in her chair, mmphing (and sometimes laughing) through her gag. She makes the perfect damsel! You love staring at her bound heels and her boobs looks huge in that tight sweater dress! (You can’t tell her any of that, of course…)

After a bit, she wants to know when is this game supposed to end? Never! Natasha laughs as she pulls the gag from her lips. “See, you should have tied my hands down!” she teases. She says it’s time for the game to end, but promises you can tie her up again tomorrow. She’s just really cool like that! It will be hard to sleep tonight!

Natasha Flade is wearing a turtleneck sweater dress, pantyhose and spiked black high heels in this MILF Bondage video.

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